I’m terrible at maintaining blogs, but quick update: I just recovered from the dreaded Omicron, and in the meantime blew up COVID with the help of Houdini, Redshift, EmberGen, and After Effects. The coronavirus base mesh was kindly provided by CG artist Zhenya85 via TurboSquid. Sound effects were added/edited/mixed in Premiere Pro (I’m a pleb when it comes to audio). …
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….
Actually, back in the summer of 2005 in Germantown, Maryland, a few buddies and I tried making our own Star Wars fan film. It’s terrible and we never got around to finishing it, but we managed to release this trailer for it in December of that same year. Most of the footage is on various hard drives and Digital8 tapes …
“The journey of ~2,618 miles begins with an ’02 Toyota Corolla.” -Lao Tzu (probably)
Well, it’s officially my one year anniversary here in LA! It’s been a blast thus far and I’m incredibly grateful for having been able to experience this latest and greatest chapter with some amazing new friends and colleagues! I thought I’d celebrate by finally uploading some of the photos that were taken of the trip Jason Clark and I made …
Makin’ Stuff with Maya, SOuP and Redshift
Recently, I’ve been dedicating some extra time to getting more familiar with SOuP and the Redshift render engine. SOuP is a nifty third party toolset for Maya developed by CG artist Peter Shipkov. Similar to MASH, which wasn’t added to Maya until the release of 2016 Extension 2, SOuP enables you to create more complex procedural effects, graphics and animation, …
Johnny Bones Presents TEDDYBONKERZ: The Doodle Killer
Over the summer, I had the pleasure of being a freelance senior motion designer and editor at bpg Advertising. It was there that I met and befriended the super talented Johnny Bones! When he’s not making awesome motion graphics for huge film and television marketing campaigns (the likes of which include the campaigns for Mission Impossible: Fallout, Star Trek: Discovery, …
Welcome to the Blog (A Delos Destination)!
*SPOILERS FOR WESTWORLD – SEASON 2* Hooray! I (finally) started a blog! Welcome! In September 2017, I was incredibly fortunate to be able to move to Los Angeles and join the awesome team at CoSA VFX. I’ve since collaborated with some amazingly talented people to create motion graphics and visual effects for various television series. One of those shows happened …